The happy couple

The happy couple
Celine and Luke are meant to get married and live happily ever after. But Celine´s more interested in playing the piano, and Luke´s a serial cheater. THE BRIDESMAIDuPhoebe, Celine´s sister, is meant to finish college and get a real job. Instead she pulls pints, lives with six flatmates, and has no longterm aspirations beyond smoking her millionth cigarette. THE BEST MAN Archie, Luke´s best friend and exboyfriend, is meant to move up the corporate ladder and on from Luke. Yet he stands where he is, admiring the view. THE GUESTuVivian, Luke´s other best friend and other ex, was meant to put up with Luke´s bullshit when they dated. But she didn´t. And now she is contented, methodically observing her friends like ants.As the wedding approaches and these five lives intersect, each character will find themselves looking for a path to their happily ever after but does it lie at the end of an aisle?