The Waste Land Facsimile

The Waste Land Facsimile
First ever full-colour edition of The Waste Land to mark the 50th Anniversary edition of the revolutionary poem by T. S. Eliot.
When the New York Public Library announced in October 1968 that its Berg Collection had acquired the original manuscript of The Waste Land, one of the most puzzling mysteries of twentieth-century literature was solved. The manuscript was not lost, as had been believed, but had remained among the papers of John Quinn, Eliot´s friend and adviser, to whom the poet had sent it in 1922.
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La Central del Raval
Lectura en viu
The Waste Land, de T.S. Eliot
The Waste Land, de T.S. Eliot
A càrrec de Sam Abrams
Amb motiu del centanari de la publicació del poemari The Waste Land (La tierra baldía) de T.S. Eliot, us convidem a la lectura en viu, en anglès, a càrrec del poeta, traductor i assagista Sam Abrams. L'acte serà el proper dijous 15 de desembre a les 19:30h a La Central del Raval.
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