The Focal Encyclopedia Of Photography

The Focal Encyclopedia Of Photography
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Aesthetics; Animation; Biographies; Cameras; Chemicals-photographic; ²Chronology of photographic inventions; Colour; Computer; Craftsmanship²; Densitometry; Developers; Electronic still photogrpahy; Emulsions; E²nlargers; Exposure; Filters; High-speed photography; Histroy of photo²graphy; Image motion; Lamps; Lenses; Light; Motion picture; Nonsilver²process; Optics; Organizations; Photographic chemistry; Photographic²effects; Photographic fiels; Photographic manufacturing; Photomacrogra²phy; Photomicrography; Photometry; Post precessing; Presentation; Pro²cessing; Projection; Sensitized materials; Sensitometry; Sound; Specia²l effects; Viewfinder; Vision; Visual communication; Visual perception²Xerography.