Vesper flights

Vesper flights
Helen Macdonald brings together a collection of her best-loved writing along with new pieces covering a thrilling range of subjects. There are essays here on headaches, on catching swans, on hunting mushrooms, on twentieth-century spies, on numinous experiences and high-rise buildings; on nests and wild pigs and the tribulations of farming ostriches.
Vesper Flights is a book about observation, fascination, time, memory, love and loss and how we make the world around us. Moving and frank, personal and political, it confirms Helen Macdonald as one of this century´s greatest nature writers.
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Helen Macdonald
Vols vespertins
Per Neus Botellé
Manté el to intimista en aquest recull d’escrits tan personals, amb una visió molt propera a la que un mateix podria sentir en mig d’un boscatge i ens evoca escenes oblidades de la nostra infantesa al descobrir el fascinant mon de la natura al acostar-nos al seu mon quan comparteix els seus records.